This week we are halfway through our Charity Drive… I am hoping many of you will be sending in items to help fill the box we will be sending to Crochet for Cancer!!! I have received many beautiful items already and I am sure they will be a huge blessing to those who are suffering or recovering from Cancer~!!
This week’s Featured Free Pattern is a simple and quick project that would bless anyone that is going through a season of hardship… Amazing Grace Spa Trio... This set includes…
1. Amazing Grace Facecloth (Small)
2. Amazing Grace Washcloth (Medium)
3. Amazing Grace Hand Towel (Large)
Please stop by the Amazing Grace Free Pattern Page to see all the Free Patterns in this collection!!
And… For all the details about the Amazing Grace Crochet Charity Drive and your chance to win the Prize Package… Click Here
Stay tuned next week for:
Crochet With Me… Mondays~ A easy-going Crochet A Long!
Mid Week… A new Free Pattern Release!!
Late Week… Week 6 Amazing Grace Featured Pattern
Happy Crocheting!
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