I wanted to share a few more things I have whipped up… These super feminine Flowers and Chains Crochet Scarves are so stylish and they were super easy to make… They can be worn in several ways and are great all year round to spruce up your wardrobe! The purple/green one reminded me of pansy’s and the orange/yellow reminds me of poppy’s… They can be worked up using your stash yarn… I will be working out the pattern for you soon and these two are available on my Etsy Shop…
Flowers and Chains Crochet Scarf!
I also added a couple of really cute hats to my Etsy Shop… A Grey Boxy Cloche and a Wool Spring Green Hat… I love these hats! My new friend the mannequin is really pretty,,, But,,, They do look even better on a live person!…
Spring Green Wool Hat & Grey Boxy Cloche!
I hope you enjoy my latest projects!!! Stay in touch, I would love to hear your thoughts!!! Just drop me a thought in the comment section,,, Join me on Facebook by Liking my page or Favorite my Shop on Etsy….
So here is to Flower, Hats and Crochet!!!
Love the floral necklaces. Very clever.
Thanks,,, Easy too!