Today we are kicking off our 9 week Amazing Grace Crochet Charity Drive and Crochet Prize Package Giveaway!!
Please join me over the next 9 weeks by paying it forward and making some items to donate using the Free Amazing Grace Patterns and/or any of your favorite patterns. All donations will be donated to a great charity ~ Crochet For Cancer!! The donations will be collected by Beatrice Ryan Designs and mailed to Crochet for Cancer in early November!! Donation Goal…250 items!!!
As many of you know,,, Breast Cancer Awareness is the main driving force behind all of my Amazing Grace Patterns… Our Charity Drive will continue through the end of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!! For more details on my story you can click on the Amazing Grace Pattern Tab at the top of the page!
As a very big thank you … There will be a new Amazing Grace Hat design in September and a very special Amazing Grace Pattern that will be released at the end of the charity drive… You will love this one!!!
Amazing Grace Free Crochet Patterns….
So, you may be wondering how this is going to work…
1. Each week I will feature one of my Free Amazing Grace Patterns. I will share a little about my journey of designing each pattern and encourage you to make any of the Amazing Grace Patterns throughout the 9 weeks!
2. I will be asking you to donate items made from my Amazing Grace Patterns. Other items will be accepted and will also be eligible for the Grand Prize Drawing also!
3. You will mail all of your completed items to me through out this Charity drive. The final date of accepted donations being October 31, 2014 to participate in the giveaway (yes.. there are prizes). My address will be available in the Amazing Grace Crochet Charity Tab at the top of the page.
4. Please make all your items following the guidelines put together by Crochet for Cancer to keep all the items safe and comfortable for the cancer patients and family members who will be receiving them. These guidelines will be available in the Amazing Grace Crochet Charity Tab at the top of the page.
5. All items collected between now and October 31st will be photographed and then mailed to Crochet for Cancer in early November. The lovely staff at Crochet for Cancer will disperse the items to those who are in need. To read more about Crochet for Cancer Click Here!
The Prizes!!!!
The Grand Prize Package includes: 2 Skeins of Babe Prints Yarn, 180 yards each of a super soft Acrylic/Nylon Blend ~ 1 Beautiful Crochet Hook, Size I hook made from Forrest Palmwood (These hooks are my favorites) ~ 1 Beautiful Pink Crystal and Silvertone Bracelet (In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness). This prize package is solely donated by Beatrice Ryan Designs and has a value of $50.
To be eligible for the Amazing Grace Charity Drive Prize Package Giveaway the rules are as follows…
All handmade items made using one of the Amazing Grace Free Patterns or any of your favorite patterns will be eligible for the prize package. The eligible items must be received by the deadline of October 31st, 2014 to be entered into the random drawing on November 5th 2014. Each eligible item received will be given a ticket with a number. On November 5th 2014 a computer generated number randomizer will select the number and the winner of the prize package will be announced here at Beatrice Ryan Designs.
Please make sure to include your name and email address in your package!
This Charity event is open to international friends and all U.S. friends
The rules will be posted in the Amazing Grace Crochet Charity Tab at the top of the page along with my address and all the very special instructions for making your donated items.
Tune in tomorrow for the first featured Amazing Grace Pattern
Let’s Get Crocheting and make this a very special event!!!
Happy Crocheting!!
****This charity drive is for fun and out of the goodness of our hearts… Beatrice Ryan Designs is sponsoring this Charity drive as a way to help those who are suffering or recovering from cancer and I have done my best to make the rules fair and acceptable**