I am always working on something new… I have been working hard to fill up my Etsy Shop with great summertime projects… I came home last night to two big boxes I had been waiting for… One had a new beautiful mannequin head and the other a mannequin body to style scarves, wraps and clothing items… The body is my size so I can create garments to fit even better… I was able to use them last night to photograph three of my latest Etsy listings… Here is a peek…
Spring Newsboy Hat
Sherbet Shaw…
Ruffle Scarf…
I was so excited to get my mannequins working,,, I took these photos last night… It was almost dark so the quality of the pictures didn’t show the vibrancy of the colors as well as I want,,, So I will be taking a few new photos today!
Stop by my Etsy Shop and do a little window shopping! And Don’t’ forget to join me on Facebook by clicking on the “Like” button in the side bar… We have a ton of fun there and lots of extra crochet talk…
So here is to Etsy Shops, Summer Crochet and My New Friends… The Mannequin’s!
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