This is the 4th Annual Knit & Crochet Blog Week… This week all participants will be posting daily according to the guidelines to celebrate our blogging communities and our art… To get more details you can follow along at Eskimimi Makes.
The challenge starts today by choosing the style of our craft and the “House” it fits into… Obviously I am an avid crocheter and I would say my style is useful and cozy crochet items…
After looking over the Houses to choose from,,, It was a bit hard to decide… I think I lean towards the House of Bee’s… The House of Bee: Bees are busy and industrious, but can flit from one interesting project to the next as bright and shiny things capture their interest…… But a close second is the House of Monkey’s… The House of Monkey: Intelligent and with a fun-loving side, Monkeys like to be challenged with every project presenting them with something new and interesting.
The House of Bee’s… I have several projects going… And, I always seem to be thinking of the next one… Since the beginning of the year, I have completed well over 50 crochet projects, including 4 Afghans,,, I have written 4 patterns and have been posting on this blog at least twice a week…
The House of Monkey’s… I have really challenged myself this year by publishing my first 2 patterns – Available on Ravelry or Here,,, Starting a Crochet-A-Long and Blogging… All of these have been really fun and pushed new areas in my crochet life… I also have been creating dozens of new items for Alpine Originals, where I sell my creations… I love to create and start something new… Each new project is a fun challenge and keeps me wanting to create more… Here are a few of my past favorites…
Lots of fun stuff going on this week… Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post and Knit & Crochet Blog Week!