I loved this years fall project, Festival of Fall Afghan! I use mine every day and hope those of you who made this years Fall CAL do to! If you haven’t made this and still want too… The directions are in the Crochet with Me tab at the top of the page!

Ten weeks and we had this beautiful afghan!
Don’t miss the Winter CAL coming up in late January.. Details coming in early January! You can also see all the past CAL’s in the Crochet with Me Tab at the top of the page! And take a look at all the free patterns too in my Free Pattern Page at the top…
I am getting ready to release a new pattern tomorrow… Be one of the first to know… It is an Amazing Grace CrochetWrist Warmer Set.. You will love it!

Now on to the good stuff! Below are the entries to the Grand Prize Drawing… This year we had 8 entries submitted… I saw many more in our Beatrice Ryan Designs Crochet Along Group and love them all!

If you would still like to email in your finished pictures, I will add to this post as they come in!!
Grand Prize winner:

Using the Number Generator… The winner is #2 Margaret M.. Congratulations!!! I will send you your $50 Amazon Gift Card by email shortly!

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media sites for more fun!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, My CAL Facebook Group, and Pinterest
For my Vintage Treasures Adventure… Cha Cha’s Vintage Treasures… eBay, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram
I hope you love this project!! Make sure to share your finished projects on my Beatrice Ryan Designs Facebook Page and make sure to share around social media too! Why share?? Because it shares our Love of Crochet!!
Happy Crocheting!!
©Copyright 2021 Elena Hunt/Beatrice Ryan Designs. All of my patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. If you want to share on your own blog, website or social media, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Thank you. This post may contain affiliate link