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Breakfast review….


I am working on one of my most popular crochet projects… It’s patriotic,,,, whimsical,,, unique… and a surprise… It is now half way finished!  In the next couple days I will be posting pictures,,, You won’t want to miss out…So check back often… Since the surprise project takes a little more work than usual… I wanted to post something today… So… A Breakfast Review

What and why a Breakfast Review??  Well, yesterday I was hanging out on Pinterest… I saw a recipe that I had been wanting to try… So I did!  And I think I’m in love!!!!  Simple, Yummy and easy to bring to work with me!!  Overnight Oatmeal… So click HERE to see all the recipes on Pintrest…  I used Betty Crocker’s Overnight Oatmeal Recipe with Chia Seeds… Click HERE to try this recipe!  I used Blueberry Low Fat Greek Yogurt, Blueberries, Red’s Mill Quick Oats, Chia Seeds and I added a tad of Orange Juice… YUM…



These are Betty Crocker’s Examples…


wpid-IMG_20130613_094348_323-1.jpg    wpid-IMG_20130613_094655_283-1.jpg

And This Was My Breakfast This Morning!!!!


Don’t worry,,, Crochet is my first love,,, And I won’t veer off many times… I just love easy recipe’s, especially when they are healthy and portable!…


So here is to Breakfast Review…Surprise Crochet and Staying Healthy!



I Was Featured On Hookin On Hump Day #48

I was so excited to see I was featured on Moogly and My Merry Messy Life’s Hookin On Hump Day #48... These two blogs team up each week to bring us link parties… If you haven’t been to a link party yet, they allow fellow bloggers to post their project links on their party… So it’s a one stop shop for ideas… Check it out!  Of course both of these blogs have lots more going on besides the link parties.. Don’t Miss Out!!



My Spring Green Hat Was # 5 this week…


Don’t you love the other four featured projects too??  And… there are dozens of other projects on the link party,,, each week has tons of new ideas!


Well,  back to work on some new projects…

…Have a great day!!



Only 12 Hours Left To Enter The Celebration Give-Away….

Good Morning Friends and Fellow Crocheters!  Don’t miss out on your chance to win a wonderful crochet package to celebrate my first 5000 views on Beatrice Ryan Designs…  All you need to do is leave your answer to the following question in the comment section and you will be entered to win a Beautiful Wooden Crochet Hook and 3 Balls of Fun Yarn!!!


What Is Your Favorite Size Crochet Hook????  Post your answer to enter!!!!



The Fabulous Give-Away!!!


I have several new projects to share…   I am finishing up a new bag and 2 new hats…. Stay tuned tomorrow for the Give-Away Winner and  the latest projects!


So here is to Crochet Friends, Give-Aways and New Projects.



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