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Photo Bomb Charlie and Amazing Grace Prayer Shawl…

Yesterday was the release of my Amazing Grace Prayer Shawl…. I had so much fun making it and thinking how it would bless someone’s shoulder’s when they are suffering or recovering from Breast Cancer.. or any Cancer…   When I finished it up and went outside to start the photo process… My trusted dog Charlie came with me… Just like he always does!


I set the prop up with the prayer shawl… And began to test lighting…  As usual Charlie wanted in on the action!  I (as always) told him to move out-of-the-way… and made sure he understood not to be in the pictures…Hmmmm




He is sneaky…I laughed once I saw the picture…But I wasn’t surprised!  He is 80 pounds of Boxer joy and wanted to help in his own way… Maybe he was trying to tell me the lighting was a little off… I hope this brings you a little laugh today…


If you haven’t seen the Amazing Grace Free Pattern Series, it is available in the pattern tab above… It is all about Breast Cancer Awareness and helping in any way I can!




  1. Charlie is precious!!

  2. The Purple Poncho

    This photo is absolutely adorable!

  3. Gorgeous shawl. Gorgeous Boxer! I have a 90lb Boxer boy that I can’t imagine being without. They’re an amazing breed. Nice shot Charlie!

  4. Too cute!

  5. It is a gorgeous shawl! I found out the other day that a friend’s niece has cancer. It has spread to her lungs and stomach. She’s 16 years old. I have never met her but I can’t imagine going through that at 16. Her chemo starts tomorrow. I look forward to making your shawl for her. I think it will be perfect. Thank you so much.

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