Temperature Afghan CAL… 2020 Crochet with Me! January – March is now complete… So much fun! The first season flew by, looking back it was a little crazy in my neck of the woods, How about you??
If you don’t know about a Temperature Afghan CAL… You crochet a row each day(the pattern here is provided by me) in the daily average temp for your area using a color chart provided… So as the seasons go by… it shows a gradient color change… And for special occasions/holidays you can use a special color to make it more fun… Mine is sparkly blue! More info at the bottom of the post on how to get started!

January was a new year and my son turned 40! Our weather here in the small Northern California town of Mt. Shasta was one of the biggest start to snow in many years… In February, I retired from my day job and took one quick trip to the coast, got a new tattoo and one of my precious grandsons turned 2! My Granddaughter continued to race and went to States in Alpine Skiing… and guess what? More snow! In March we were buried in snow, temps ranged from low 20’s to a day that reached a high of mid 50… Yep once again my life was filled with shoveling! So I tucked in and did some pickling and bread baking… But, I was able to start my walking routine of 3-5 miles per day again… Felt great! See a few pics below of my March life! I also published 2 new patterns, Easy Elegant Shawl and Springtime Tic Tac Toe! Both free crochet patterns… so check those out!
To read my January post click here… To read my February post click here…

I love this 2023 Crochet with Me… Temperature Afghan CAL… I can’t wait for it to warm up a bit so I can use more of my lovely colors… April will bring Spring weather I hope! Mine now measures 27″ x 60″… At this pace it should be about 110″ x 60″ which will be a perfect large afghan!
If you haven’t started the 2023 Crochet with Me Temperature Afghan CAL yet… Head to the Crochet with Me tab at the top of the page for the Material/Info post and the first 9 weeks(this is a 7 row repeat so you only need the 9 week instructions and the yarn temperature chart!!! Easy to catch up by heading to Weather.com where you can get your historical temps in their monthly tab!
Happy Spring and catch up with me in early May for the next monthly post about April!!!
I cant wait to see yours! Make sure you join the Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Facebook Group to share your pics, see all the inspiring fan pics and play the games prizes!
Also, Don’t forget to follow me on my social media sites for more fun!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, My CAL Facebook Group, and Pinterest
I hope you love this project!! Finally, make sure to share your finished projects on my Beatrice Ryan Designs Facebook Page and make sure to share around social media too! Why share?? Because it shares our Love of Crochet!!
Happy Crocheting!!
©Copyright 2023 Elena Hunt/Beatrice Ryan Designs. All of my patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. Additionally, If you want to share on your own blog, website or social media, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Thank you. This post may contain affiliate link
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