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Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 9!!!

Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 9!!!

Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 Mystery Afghan CAL… Week 9

Week 9, I can’t  believe we are 3/4 of the way done this week!! My afghan seems to be getting heavy and like a real blanket!  This week is a very easy 3 row section of chains and single crochets… Make sure to share your photos on my Beatrice Ryan Designs Facebook Page and in our Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Group… I am starting to see so many fun color combos!!

Let’s get this week started!!

With Color C, Join with sl st in top right corner st.

Round 70:  Ch 1, 3 sc in same st, *sc in next 154 sts, 3 sc in next corner st, sc in next 209 sts*, 3 sc in next corner st, repeat * 1 time, join with sl st to beginning sc.=738 sc

Round 71: Sl st in next st(center st), ch 1, turn, sc in same st, *ch 3, sk st, sc in next st*, Rep *to* 105 more times, (ch3, sc) in same st, rep *to*  77 times, ch 3, sk 2 sts, (sc, ch3, sc) in next st, repeat *to* 106 times, (ch 3, sc) in same st, repeat *to* 77 times, sk 2 sts, ch 3, sc in next st, ch 3, join with sl st to beginning sc. = 372 ch 3 sps

Round 72:  Turn, sl st in same corner ch3 sp, ch 1, (sc, ch 3, sc) in same sp, *ch 3, sc in next ch 3 sp*, rep *to* 77 more times, ch 3, (sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch 3 sp, repeat *to* 107 times, (ch 3, sc) in same ch 3 sp, repeat *to* 78 times, ch 3, (sc, ch 3, sc) in ch 3 sp, repeat *to* 106 times, ch 3, join with sl st to beginning sc. =376 ch 3 sps.

Finish off.

This may seem a little “Ruffley”,,, that is ok… When we move to next week it will make this a mesh section.

Great Job!  Happy Crocheting… Can’t wait to see your pics!!


©Copyright 2017 Elena Hunt/Beatrice Ryan Designs.  All my, patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. If you want to share on your own blog website, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Thank you. This post may contain affiliate links/ads. If you purchase something from a link in this post, I may be compensated.

Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 3!

Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 3!

Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 3!

Crochet with Me!! CAL Week 3

Week 3 of our Crochet Along is simple and fun!!

This week we are using the traditional Granny Square Stitch with a slight twist to the pattern…  We will be continuing to turn the circle, that became a square, then started to take shape as a rectangle… Become more rectangular!!!  I hope you have had fun to this point!!  If you are just joining in… This afghan pattern is so simple you will be able to catch up in no time!!

For past weeks instructions… You can head to the top of the page and click on Crochet with Me… Or…Click Here!!

To have even more fun,,, Join my Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL group on FacebookClick here!!

For sneak peaks and added fun… Follow me on Instagram too!

Don’t forget… You will have a chance to win a fabulous yarn package giveaway from Red Heart Yarns at the end of the CAL if you finish this project in at the end of the time period given… I will be posting details on all the rules in just a couple more weeks…

$50 prize pack August 2016

This is similar to what will be in the prize package!!

Remember to mark the right side with a marker if you haven’t already… This will be important in upcoming weeks!!  Now… Let’s get started with Crochet with Me!! CAL Week 3!!

With the wrong side facing, join Color E to any corner ch1 sp.

27.  Ch 3, (2dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in the same sp, {sk st, 3 dc in next st, *sk 2 sts, 3 dc in next st*, repeat *to* 23 more times, sk last st, (3dc, ch1, 3 dc ) in next ch 1 sp}, repeat {to} 2 more times, sk st, 3 dc in next st, repeat *to* 24 times. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch 3. =108 3dc shells

Turn, join Color F to the top Right corner ch1 sp above dc section of round 26.This will be adding height to your rectangle.

28.  Ch4, 2 trc in same sp, * sk 3 sts, 3 trc in the sp (between next two groupings of 3dc shells)*, repeat *to* 25 more times, (3trc, ch1, 3 dc) in next ch 1 sp, ^sk 3 sts, 3dc in next sp^, repeat ^to^ 25 more times, (3 dc, ch 1, 3 trc) in next ch 1 sp, rep *to* 26 times, (3 trc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next ch 1 sp, repeat ^to^ 26 times, 3 dc in last ch 1 sp, ch 1. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch 4. =56 3trc shell & 56 3dc shells

Turn, join Color A to any corner

29.  Ch 3, (2dc, ch1, 3dc) in same sp, *sk 3 sts, 3 dc in next sp*, repeat *to* 26 more times, {(3dc, ch 1, 3dc) in next ch 1 sp, *sk 3 sts, 3 dc in next sp*, repeat *to* 26 more times}, repeat {to} 2 more times, Join to top of beginning ch 3. =116 3dc shells

Turn, Join Color B in top right corner ch 1 sp above the 3trc shell section of round 28.

30.  Ch 4, 2 trc in same sp, *sk 3 sts, 3trc in next sp*, repeat *to* 27 more times, (3trc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next ch 1 sp, ^sk 3 sts, 3 dc in next sp^, repeat ^to^ 27 more times, (3 dc, ch 1, 3 trc) in next ch 1 sp, repeat *to* 28 times, (3trc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next ch 1 sp, repeat ^to^ 28  times, 3 dc in last ch 1 sp, ch 1. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch 4. = 60 3trc shells & 60 3dc shells.

Turn, join Color C in any corner

31.  Ch 3, (2dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in same sp, *sk 3 sts, 3dc in next sp*, repeat *to* 28 more times, {(3dc, ch 1, 3dc) in next ch 1 sp, repeat *to* 29 times,}, repeat {to} 2 more times. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch 3. = 124 3dc shells

Turn, join Color D to top right corner ch 1 sp above 3trc shells.

32.  Ch 4, 2 trc in same sp*sk 3 sts, 3trc in next sp*, repeat *to* 29 more times, (3trc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next ch 1 sp, ^sk 3 sts, 3 dc in next sp^, repeat ^to^ 29 more times, (3 dc, ch 1, 3 trc) in next ch 1 sp, repeat *to* 30 times, (3trc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next ch 1 sp, repeat ^to^ 30  times, 3 dc in last ch 1 sp, ch 1. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch 4. = 64 3trc shells & 64 3dc shells.

That’s it… Yay, you have completed week 3!!!  Weave in your ends and you will be ready for week 4!

**In the last stages of the CAL, for those of you who don’t like the openness of the center, I will provide a fun option to make it solid!!!**

Happy Crocheting!!


©Copyright 2017 Elena Hunt/Beatrice Ryan Designs.  All my, patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. If you want to share on your own blog website, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Thank you. This post may contain affiliate links/ads. If you purchase something from a link in this post, I may be compensated.


Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 2!

Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 2!

Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL… Week 2Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL.. Week 2


Week 1 of our Crochet Along had a few small challenges… Trying to work up the project while traveling led to a couple of pattern typo’s… So sorry… Week 1 is all correct now and we are ready for week 2!!

This week we will be squaring up ~ then making it into a rectangle… Hmmm that will be interesting right??  Don’t worry… it is easy!!

In our Beatrice Ryan Designs 2017 CAL Group… I am seeing so many great week 1 progress photos… Thank you for all showing yours off… If you would like to join the group… Click Here!!

For all the CAL Materials and weekly instructions, Click Here!!  It’s not to late to join in the fun!!

Let’s get started with week 2,,, I can’t wait to see all the pictures!!

Here are a few tips for this week…

*Place a marker on the right side of the project, this will help when you set your work down and start the next round…

*Make sure to check your stitch count…  If you get off early in the project, it will make a mess as your afghan gets larger

*Round 20 may seem interesting doing hdc’s then dc’s and back to hdc… this is to square it up.

Round 19.  Turn work(to wrong side), Join color C in any corner ch 1 sp. Ch 4,(trc,ch1,2 trc) in same sp, trc in the next 5 sts, dc in the next 5 sts, hdc in the next 5 sts, sc in the next 13 sts, hdc in the next 5 sts, dc in the next 5 sts, trc in the next 5 sts, *(2trc,ch1,2trc) in the next ch1 sp, trc in the next 5 sts, dc in the next 5 sts, hdc in the next 5 sts, sc in the next 13 sts, hdc in the next 5 sts, dc in the next 5 sts, trc in the next 5 sts*, repeat *to* 2 more times, join with sl st to top of ch 4. = 188sts.

Round 20.  Turn work, Join color D in any corner ch1 sp, ch 2, (hdc,ch1,2hdc) in same sp, hdc in next 5 sts, dc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 5 sts, sc in next 17 sts, hdc in next 5 sts, dc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 5 sts, *(2hdc,ch1,2hdc) in next ch1 sp, hdc in next 5 sts, dc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 5 sts,  sc in next 17 sts, hdc in next 5 sts, dc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 5 sts, *, repeat *to* 2 more times, join with sl st to top of ch2. = 204 sts

Round 21.  Turn work, Join color E in any ch1 corner. Ch1,(2sc,ch1,2dc) in same space, dc in next 51 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 51 sts, (2sc,ch1,2dc) in next ch1 sp, dc in next 51 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 51 sts, join with sl st to 1st sc. = 220 sts

Round 22.  Turn work, Join color F in any corner that now is a(2sc,ch1,2dc) on this side, this will keep the dc on top of last rounds dc and the sc’s on the last rounds sc’s. Ch1,(2sc,ch1,2dc) in same space, dc in next 55 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 55 sts, (2sc,ch1,2dc) in next ch1 sp, dc in next 55 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 55 sts, join with sl st to 1st sc. = 236 sts

Round 23.  Turn work, Join color A in any corner that now is a(2sc,ch1,2dc) on this side, this will keep the dc on top of last rounds dc and the sc’s on the last rounds sc’s. Ch1,(2sc,ch1,2dc) in same space, dc in next 59 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 59 sts, (2sc,ch1,2dc) in next ch1 sp, dc in next 59 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 59 sts, join with sl st to 1st sc. = 252 sts

Round 24.  Turn work, Join color B in any corner that now is a(2sc,ch1,2dc) on this side, this will keep the dc on top of last rounds dc and the sc’s on the last rounds sc’s. Ch1,(2sc,ch1,2dc) in same space, dc in next 63 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 63 sts, (2sc,ch1,2dc) in next ch1 sp, dc in next 63 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 63 sts, join with sl st to 1st sc. = 268 sts

Round 25.  Turn work, Join color C in any corner that now is a(2sc,ch1,2dc) on this side, this will keep the dc on top of last rounds dc and the sc’s on the last rounds sc’s. Ch1,(2sc,ch1,2dc) in same space, dc in next 67 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 67 sts, (2sc,ch1,2dc) in next ch1 sp, dc in next 67 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 67 sts, join with sl st to 1st sc. = 284 sts

Round 26.  Turn work, Join color D in any corner that now is a(2sc,ch1,2dc) on this side, this will keep the dc on top of last rounds dc and the sc’s on the last rounds sc’s. Ch1,(2sc,ch1,2dc) in same space, dc in next 71 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 71 sts, (2sc,ch1,2dc) in next ch1 sp, dc in next 71 sts, (2dc,ch1,2sc) in next ch1 sp, sc in next 71 sts, join with sl st to 1st sc. = 300 sts

That’s it… Week 2 stitching is complete!!

Now… This week only, Block your rectangle.. It may be a little wonky due to going from a circle to a rectangle and if we lightly block it, next week we will have a great rectangle base to continue with!!

It should be approximately 26″ x 30″

Congratulations on making it this far on our Crochet with Me!! Winter 2017 CAL!!!

Happy Crocheting!!


©Copyright 2017 Elena Hunt/Beatrice Ryan Designs.  All of my patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. If you want to share on your own blog, website or social media, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Thank you. This post may contain affiliate links/ads. If you purchase something from a link in this post, I may be compensated.


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