Our Crochet-A-Long is coming to a close and hopefully most of you participating enjoyed making your afghans!! I have seen several finished afghans and WOW they are looking good…
Beatrice Ryan Designs… Crochet A Long Afghan
Check out this great post from my friend Carolyn at the Purple Poncho… It takes you through her Start to Finish journey with here Beatrice Ryan Designs Afghan…
Competed CAL Afghan.. By Carolyn at The Purple Poncho
The Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Givaway is just around the corner… You could win a $25 JoAnns Giftcard!!! Last day to submit your finished CAL Picture April 1,2014
How would you like to win a $25 gift card for JoAnn’s?? Here is how you can win….
1. Make the Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Afghan during the January-March 2014.
2. Finish your Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Afghan within 10 days of the last pattern post. Final Date to enter completed afghan~ April 1, 2014
3. Email your completed Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Afghan picture to [email protected] or post your completed Beatrice Ryan Designs CAL Afghan picture to Beatrice Ryan Designs Facebook Final Show and Tell which will be held 10 days after the final pattern section is posted.
*This giveaway is donated by Beatrice Ryan Designs and has no affiliation with Jo~Ann’s.
One winner will be drawn at random and announced here! Your final pictures will be posted here, on Facebook and Pinterest! Good luck and I can’t wait to see all the Afghans!!
Happy Crocheting!!!
Thanks for hosting, it’s been really fun! 🙂