Yay!!! Our 9th Annual Mystery Winter Crochet Along is now complete… If you made this years project,,, I hope you love yours as much as I love mine! If you haven’t made it and would like too, all 10 weeks of the instructions are in the Crochet With Me tab above.

Below are the 25 entries from this year that qualified for the Grand Prize Drawing of the $50 Amazon Gift Card… I have seen many more posted in the Beatrice Ryan Designs Crochet Along Group. Go check those out too!!

This years winner of the 2022 Crochet With Me.. Mystery Winter Afghan CAL Grand Prize is Janet D. #8!!! Congratulations!

Stay tuned for more Crochet Alongs and free crochet patterns this year!!!! Thank you all for you love and support!
If you post on Twitter or Instagram.. Use the Hashtag #2022CrochetWithMeMysteryAfghanCAL
Don’t forget to follow me on my social media sites for more fun!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, My CAL Facebook Group, and Pinterest
I hope you love this project!! Make sure to share your finished projects on my Beatrice Ryan Designs Facebook Page and make sure to share around social media too! Why share?? Because it shares our Love of Crochet!!
Happy Crocheting!!
©Copyright 2022 Elena Hunt/Beatrice Ryan Designs. All of my patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. If you want to share on your own blog, website or social media, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Thank you. This post may contain affiliate links/ads. If you purchase something from a link in this post, I may be compensated.
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