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Spirals and Baskets…


I’m kicking off my summer stock up of crochet to sell with a bang.  With Memorial Day Weekend sneaking up quickly and my Ocean Waves Afghan completed, I am beginning to stock up and crochet as much as possible to have plenty to sell at Alpine Originals.

It is a true blessing to have an outlet to sell my items and the extra money will come in handy for our Annual Mother/daughter School Clothes and Mini Vacation  trip late summer! Making money through my crochet work has been an amazing experience, and I’ve learned a lot along the way about increasing my income streams. I’ve also been exploring other opportunities and financial strategies like How to Short the Dollar UK, to diversify my earnings.


My head was full of ideas and things I wanted to make, so here is what I made last night…


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Small Door Handle Baskets…


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Spiral Dishcloths….


These adorable baskets are just the right size  for storing the little things you need as you’re rushing out the door… I was inspired by several pattern I found online and each one took only 45 minutes to whip up using 2 strands of worsted weight yarn and an I hook!


The spiral dish cloths are much cuter in person and were originally inspired by a pot holder pattern, but once I got going I thought they would make a unique dishcloth!  They were a little more work but only about 1 hour and done… These are made of cotton using a G Hook…


twine basket

Floral Face Cloths and a Sweet Twine Basket…. Thanks to Carlee at Alpine Originals for this cute picture!


I added a few more Floral Face Cloths in Spring Green and Cream and a great Twine Basket with a Spring Green trim…  I made these last week and forgot to show them off : )


Lots more on the way to share, and a couple new free patterns on the way!


So here is to Baskets, Spirals and Summer Crochet!



Day 7 Knit & Crochet Blog Week – 4KCBWDAY7


Today is the last day of the Knit & Crochet Blog Week Challenge… I can’t believe I was able to post all 7 days!  It has been fun and I hope you enjoyed it too!  Our last assignment,,, Day 7,,, Is to talk about “Where we would like to be 1 year from now with our Crafting”…

I have already stretched myself this year by opening my blog and life up to all the world with my crochet… It has been a great experience so far…  But, my main goal in the next few months is to get my Etsy Store up and going… It isn’t so much the work it will take to get the store open,, Its more having enough crochet products  available…  Thanks to  my friends at our local store Alpine Originals, I sell many pieces each month there… So I will have to step up my game and get some things going for online sales… Who knows, all this crocheting could work into a full-time job at the rate I am going…


Since my topic for the last day is asking about the future, I didn’t have any pictures to post to go with the subject,,,, So, I though I would show you a few pictures from my life… Hope you enjoy!


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Our 5 baby Kittens,,, They all have home to go to!!!           Charlie asking me to go for a walk,,,            The trees finally starting to bud out!


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The apple trees in bloom,,,                           Early bloomers in the yard…                              Daffodils Charlie and I found on our walk…


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Great Mt. Shasta View on the walk!                  And the rushing stream….                         And finally home, a much-needed drink of water!


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I cleaned out the first flowerbed…                  Planted my first spring planterbox…             The hubby mowed the lawn…


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Stopped to make some tea….                         And finally… Dinner!


Also, this morning I attended a great sermon at church and an all church barbeque… It was so fun and great to have some time to visit with all my friends!  But, unfortunately I don’t have pictures to share…


So here is to What is in the future, My daily life and hanging out with my friends at Church!  Now it’s off to Crochet,,, Can’t Wait!!!



Day 2 Knit and Crochet Blog Week… House of Bee’s! 4KCBWDAY2


The House of Bee’s: Bee’s are busy and industrious, but can flit from one interesting project to the next as bright and shiny things capture their interest.

Today’s  Blog Week assignment is to write something about my chosen House Mascot… Bee’s…  Well, They are a lovely creature, but I wouldn’t want one to land on me… I do enjoy watching them on all the flowers in my yard each summer though…  They are such hard workers..

So,, When it came time to think of something to do with Bee’s and Crochet… The perfect short, colorful project came to mind… Like you know if you follow my blog,,, I make many projects to sell at the little shop here in my home town… Alpine Originals… So for the last couple of weeks I have been constantly thinking what I would be placing in the shop for this spring and summer…  So last night I whipped up a cute little set of Flower Coasters… Super Cute… Don’t you think?


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If you are wondering what these cute little Flower Coasters have to do with The House of Bee’s… Here is my little list of thoughts…

*Easy to finish quickly… So I can”Flit” to the next project

*Interesting… Flowers as Coasters…Yes… That is an interesting idea!

*Shiny and Bright… The colors and flower shape “Capture” the Bee’s attention…

**Conclusion,,, Quick and Easy to finish, Interesting and Bee’s Love Flowers!!!!


There you go… My Mascot Post…Whew!

And,,, To keep you updated on my other projects,,, Since I like to Flit from one to another… Here is my progress on my current Crochet-A-Long... Ocean Waves Afghan Challenge by The Crochet Crowd


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Ocean Waves Afghan 25 % finished


AND… Yay… My Flower Power Paperweight  Was the top pick for the week at Busting Stitches….wpid-20130416_190915_LLS.jpg stitch buster


So here is to Bee’s, Blogging, Crocheting, Flitting and Crochet-A-Longs…



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