I have a large stack of WIP’s… What about you?? The majority of them are crochet projects that I fully intend to finish!!! But this week, my daughter asked me if I could Knit (yes Knit) a hat for her friend’s birthday,,, And she would by the yarn… How can you say no to that?? Well I guess if you didn’t know how to knit you would say no…lol.
So, She brought the yarn home… A gorgeous skein from Cascade Yarns Eco Duo line… It was a Alpacha/Merino Wool blend.. undyed. I don’t knit often, but I can do the basics… So I had her show me a picture of what type of beanie she wanted, and I dug out my knitting needles(well found them in my knitting drawer)! Then the fun began… I was nervous, I wanted it to turn out just as she wanted and also,,, not ruin the great yarn she bought… When you are making something for someone else’s vision,,, It is always a little scary!
Finally a few hours later… The hat was complete!! Yay,,, But I was worried it wasn’t what she had pictured,,, I thought it may be a little more slouchy than she wanted… When she arrived home later that evening I showed it to her and she was very happy… I was greatly relieved!!! So here it is,,, One of my few knitted projects…
Back to crocheting… Do you hear a sigh of relief?? I am so much faster and proficient with crochet, it is really my craft of choice!! But after knitting this hat,,,I thought… Hmmm maybe I will try a little more knitting in the future!
This week I also completed Week 8 of the Crochet-A-Long… We are nearing the end… The edging will be started in the next week or so… I am really happy with the afghan so far! All the pictures on Facebook Show and Tell have been really great… If you have time,, hop over to last Friday’s Show and Tell and check them out!!
Charlie could hardly sit still for this picture… All he wanted to do was bounce all over the yard!!
Happy Crocheting!!!