Well, this week really brings us close to the end of our 12 Week project.. We will be working on the opposite side border and with only one week to go, our 2020 Crochet with Me!!! Mystery Afghan Crochet Along is almost complete… Almost not a mystery any longer!
If this is your first Mystery CAL with me… Check out the past 6 years of the Winter Mystery Afghans and all of the other CAL’s we have done in the Crochet with Me tab at the top of the page! Each week I will post a easy section for you to complete, and in 12 weeks… You will have a fun, whimsical afghan!

Don’t forget to add this project to your Ravelry favorites… Click Here!!
For the Material List and all of CAL details…
Click HERE!!! For Week 1 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 2 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 3 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 4 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 5 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 6 Instructions…
Click Here!!! for Week 7 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 8 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 9 Instructions…
Click Here!!! For Week 10 Instructions…
There are a few prizes involved in this years 2020 Winter Mystery Afghan CAL..
Grand Prize – There will be a $50 Amazon Gift Card for 1 lucky winner at the end of the CAL. The grand prize will be drawn on Sunday May 24th 2020. To be eligible, you must email a picture and permission by Friday May 22nd, 2020 to [email protected] showing your completed project. Entries will be numbered by the order they arrive and the number will be drawn using a random number generator.
Monday Treasure Hunt Weekly Prize – Each Monday starting March 2nd, 2020 a $10 Amazon Gift Card will be given away to one member in the Beatrice Ryan Designs C AL Group on Facebook. Each Monday, a post will be made explaining the rules to enter. The entry time will only last part of the day… so stay tuned in the group!
Here is my color line up… You can choose your colorway to be in any order you like… The way my eye liked my colors was from lightest to darkest… A~White B~Stone C~Sweet Pink D~Light Gray E~Cameo F~Pewter

- Ch – Chain
- St – Stitch
- Sk – Skip
- Sl St – Slip Stitch
- Sc – Single Crochet
*This week we will be once again working on side edging using one of my favorite stitches… Moss Stitch. Super easy and quick! This week is the opposite side!
Working with the Right Side Facing, join Color F to the opposite side edge in the far righthand sc.
Row 150: Ch 1, working down the side edge, 2 sc in 1st sc of side row, *ch 1, sk 1, sc in next st*, repeat *to* across, sc in last sc of side row. =107sc & 104 ch 1. *Keep this sided Marked as your right side for future reference*
Finish off
Join Color A with sl st where you FO
Row 151: Ch 1, turn, sc in st, *ch 1, sk 1, sc in ch 1*, repeat *to* across ending with ch 1, sk st, sc in last st. = 106 sc & 105 ch 1
Finish Off
Join Color B with sl st where you FO
Row 152: Ch 1, turn, sc in st, *sc in ch 1, ch 1, sk st*, repeat *to* across ending with sc in ch 1, sc in last st. = 107 sc & 104 ch 1
Finish Off
Join Color C with sl st where you FO
Row 153: Repeat row 151
Finish Off
Join Color D with sl st where you FO
Row 154: Repeat row 152
Finish Off
Join Color E with sl st where you FO
Row 155: Repeat row 151
Finish off

That’s it.. You now have completed Week 11.. Join me next week for the final Week 12 as we move closer to our finish line!!! Next week is fairly quick and easy giving everyone a chance to catch up and get ready for showing off their projects in the upcoming Grand Finale Fan Picture Post and Grand Prize Drawing!

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media sites for more fun!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, My CAL Facebook Group, and Pinterest
I hope you love this project!! Make sure to share your finished projects on my Beatrice Ryan Designs Facebook Page and make sure to share around social media too! Why share?? Because it shares our Love of Crochet!!
Happy Crocheting!!
©Copyright 2020 Elena Hunt/Beatrice Ryan Designs. All of my patterns and posts are my own work. Do not copy them in any way. If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post. If you want to share on your own blog, website or social media, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Thank you. This post may contain affiliate links/ads. If you purchase something from a link in this post, I may be compensated.